honestly... where you at?

free discovery tool inside

This past weekend I was at a men’s retreat with my church.

We played dodgeball, shot some skeet, baseball, basketball, paintball and hung out on a ropes course.

But by far the most impactful part of the trip was the fireside chats where we took off the mask and got vulnerable.

Shared our struggles, leaned into the brotherhood and took wisdom from the older men in the tribe.

For many of the men this was the first time they exposed areas they were struggling with.

Whether it was porn, drinking, affairs or some other skeleton in their closet every man had some burden.

The beautiful thing was that there was no judgment — every guy has been through something and the more that was shared the closer we all felt.

It’s easy to think that you’re alone in your suffering — and that’s what the enemy wants.

To keep you isolated so you become an easy target.

But there’s strength in numbers and the lone wolf dies first.

While the sport, competition and “fun stuff” was great what really builds a brotherhood is honesty.

A willingness to take off the mask and admit your shortcomings.

This is a difficult first step for many men because society says be strong.

Which is true, but…

Strength is a byproduct of a developed weakness.

You have to be honest with where you are to design where you’re going.

I just put together a free discovery tool called The GAP Map to help you create some insight on where you are now across your Four F’s: Faith, Fitness, Family & Finances.

25 question to create clarity on the area that most needs your attention.

After you take it you’ll get a customized printout to visually see which domain needs your immediate attention.

That starting point is key to focus — once you’re equipped with that I believe you’ll find it much easier to find a mentor or model to help you develop in that area.

Take screenshot of you results page, it’ll look something like this.

Then reply to this email with a copy of it and let me know how I can support you in your journey to becoming a High Value Man.

Much love and many blessings.

Talk soon,



or to participate.