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The only two drivers of permanent change [s3x is one]
Something to learn from a man who had 1,000 wives...
Obsession, Passion & Purpose
The wisest [and wealthiest] man that ever lived warns us about this.
SEX, Obsession and the only two drivers of permanent change.
The Bibles Lost Chapter [Proverbs 32]
In the Bible there is a book called Proverbs, its written by King Solomon the wisest [and wealthiest] man that ever lived.
As the story goes, he was a faithful servant and God granted him anything he wanted… he asked for Wisdom.
“Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or swerve from them. Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you.”
He reigned as King for 40 years and amassed a fortune worth today over $2 trillion dollars… Life was good for the King.
It should also be mentioned that the King had 700 wives and 300+ mistresses.
[The math on that is mind boggling, but I guess if you have all the wealth and all the wisdom you need something to keep you occupied.]
As you read the book you see clearly he has an obsession for all things feminine:
He personifies “Her” as Wisdom — the number one thing to seek.
He describes in detail the values of the perfect wife [trusted source].
And he shares openly the pitfalls to avoid…
In fact he warns us 8 times in just 31 chapters to watch out for immoral woman.
In the Book of Proverbs, there are 8 warnings against the immoral woman, specifically mentioned in several passages. These include Proverbs 2:16-19, 5:3-20, 6:24-35, 7:5-27, 22:14, 23:27-28, 29:3, and 30:20. The immoral woman is often portrayed as a seductress or an adulteress, characterized by her deceptive and seductive speech and behavior.
Now, lets not forget that this is the wisest man that ever lived and he’s telling us to avoid the traps of immoral women… not once, but 8 times.
It’s clear he’s made some mistakes — just like the rest of us.
So, what is it about a beautiful woman that blocks GODS WISDOM and would cause even the wisest man in the World to make repeated mistakes?
When desire locks on to a beautiful woman the arousal system goes from six to midnight — our anatomy gets dumped with a powerful cocktail of dopamine, serotonin & norepinephrine.
Our focus increases, our cognitive load decreases and we enter a state of driven bliss.
Love drunk.
We have only one thing we are focused on.
All distractions disappear and we have unlimited motivation in pursuit of our goal.
We will run through walls, take on challenges and overcome extreme difficulty.
It’s a powerful state if directed intentionally — in fact its the most powerful state — it creates all life.
Without this primal system, hunger, focus and intensity — our species would have died off a long time ago.
Desire directed is unstoppable.
…and it can become a prison if you don’t understand whats going on.
Solomons warnings hold true, and if he were alive today his 1,000 woman variety would pale in comparison to the accessibility of novelty online.
Whether its Porn or Old Testament Prostitutes the experience manufactures false intimacy, and throws the victim into a cheap dopamine cycle getting addicted to the loop of novelty.
It’s one of the reasons men make stupid mistakes, but thats a topic for another time.
[Home of a future article: Porn and the Prison of cheap Dopamine]
While the pitfalls of uncontrolled desire are evident, it's crucial to acknowledge the positive side.
When harnessed constructively, desire can fuel innovation, drive personal growth, and lead to fulfilling relationships.
It's about channeling this powerful force in the right direction.
Obsession and the only two drivers of permanent change.
Arousal is not bad — and neither is DESIRE.
As mentioned, it is extremely powerful.
It is the root of human creation, innovation and the source for solving your problems.
Desire feeds obsession, obsession fuels passion and your passion becomes your purpose.
The goal is to get obsessed and stay obsessed.
Step 1: Get Curious.
Draw a circle on a piece of paper.
On the outside of the circle write down everything that interests you.
Take time on this — make it expansive.

Then draw a line connecting as many interests as you can.
At each overlapping intersection — ask yourself this question…
“If I learn something in this domain will it solve a problem and meet a desire I have?”
PAIN & PLEASURE: The drivers of change.
Obsession is formed by solving a pain and feeding a pleasure.
This is passion.
Obsession and passion can be a selfish process — but, its the first step in self discovery, meaning and purpose.
You have to learn to solve your basic problems — that is human nature.
If our ancestors didn’t innovate we wouldn’t be where we are now.
When we don’t have what we want that’s a problem [pain].
Solve problem, feed desire [pleasure].
On a macro level this creates huge evolutionary jumps, from caveman to tribe leader — farming, agriculture, shelter are all aspects of pain and pleasure innovation. Desire for more.
On a micro level [you and me] we learn exponentially.
Modern psychology supports this ancient wisdom. Studies show that controlled passion can enhance cognitive functioning and emotional well-being. For instance, a Harvard study found that purpose-driven individuals tend to lead healthier, longer lives.
The only reason you don’t have what you want is because you haven’t learned how to get it.
Become OBSESSED WITH LEARNING: Create your Core Four Development Plan
Now that you have your circle filled with things you’re interested in place them into one of the four categories below.
◼️ Choose something daily for your body.
◼️ Choose something daily for your mind.
◼️ Choose something daily for your heart.
◼️ Choose something daily for your spirit.
Develop a learning plan. BUILD THE MAN.
Chapter 32 of Proverbs: The Lost Chapters of FITNESS.
"Forget about chasing a thousand ladies; chase a thousand gains. Every rep is a step closer to becoming a muscle-bound legend."
"Wisdom's cool, but have you tried deadlifts?”
"Proverb for the swole: 'A man's true strength isn't in the hearts he conquers, but in the weights he lifts.”
I say this with the ultimate reverence, If you’re new to the bible, Proverbs is a great place to start. It’s like the fortune cookie of faith — quick to read, profound and digestible for every palette.
Much love and many blessings.
Ps… if you don’t have a practice for you fitness I’d love to invite you to join my FREE 21 day fitness challenge, click the link below, download my app and get started today.