My 2024 Word of the Year

It's actually two words... SEND IT.

What if 2024 was the best year of your life?

What would you need to learn?

Who would you need to become?

What would be the impact on your life and the lives of others?

But, most importantly…

Where would you need to start for this to be possible?

My word of the year is SEND IT.

He looks to be the Arctic low budget version of American Stuntmaster Evel Knievel.

He’s reckless, a bit slack-jawed and covered in denim… but he seems to be really enjoying himself.

Care free, courageous and committed.

If you watch his videos you might be asking yourself why I would choose that as my word…

So, why “Send It”?

I’ve shared bits and pieces of thoughts and theories over the years as I’ve put more of my life online but there has still been a barrier between me and you.

And its less because I’m still formulating and more because I’ve been afraid.

The usual fears… rejection, judgement and criticism.

It’s easy to post hi-light reels of things you’re good at.

Truthfully, I don’t have to work that hard to do hard things.

Running, lifting and anything physical is a domain of mastery I am very confident in.

But, because I’ve flexed the muscle of fitness so hard — and for so long — it’s created some atrophy in the other supporting muscles.

  • Spiritual 

  • Emotional 

  • Intellectual 

  • [Physical] — ✔️

The best way to combat atrophy is through feedback — which doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

And I have a theory I’ve been formulating for about 7 years…

But, theories and thoughts are useless unless tested.

Larry would never have reached his peaks of fame thinking about sending it.

Theory and thought become transformative when they are tested.

Which means…

You have to publish, put yourself out there, fail, take the risk, compete, expose, express, strip away and just fucking send it.

It’s about the process of refinement — not the outcome, and who you become in the process.

The gift dies, the wisdom is lost and the art fades — unless you send it.

So, this is me “sending it”.

I took two weeks off social media… here’s what I’ve been working on.

There are Four Forces that Drive [your] Life.

Leverage them to learn faster, create unlimited motivation and make Goal Achievement Automatic.

The reason you don’t have what you want is because you haven’t learned how to get it.

[read that again]

You haven’t learned how to get what you want because you’ve forgotten how to learn.

This is the first model I want to introduce you to…

I want you to takeaway two beliefs…

  1. You’re supposed to suck in the beginning of anything.

  2. Four parts create the whole.

Lets take my word for the year.

Send It.

Every “Peak State” [the point on the top of the pyramid] in this case the sending of “It” is supported by four pillars.

‘Send It’ by itself is vague — but when I explain Send It has pillars: Clarity, Commitment, Courage and Consistency.

And each pillar has a process…

  • Clarity — I have vision, direction and an outcome for the send.

  • Courage — I am aware there is fear in the sending of it and I will face it.

  • Commitment — A “full send” means full commitment, no brakes.

  • Consistency — And to do it until it becomes second nature.

And the process has a plan — a plan has actions and accountability.

Then we go from concept [Peak] to character by executing on a plan.

I was talking to a friend recently about his word of the year which is Faith and we applied the same four pillar process to better define what “peak state” of Faith might look like.

  • Prayer

  • Scripture

  • Fasting

  • Discipleship

If the outcome is greater FAITH what are the Pillars that hold it up?

What process do you need to go through and what is your plan on a daily, weekly and monthly timeframe to move towards that peak state.

I call this the [Four Corner Learning Method] which I’ll describe in greater detail in future articles but I just want to expose you to the concept: four parts create the whole.

There are Four Forces that Drive [your / ALL] Life.

My pastor says it beautifully:

For everything in the natural there is a supernatural correlation.

Keith Craft

From the fundamental four forces that hold reality together, four forces required for flight, space, primary colors, seasons in nature and natural elements — four parts make the whole.

And there are of course four parts of the human experience.

  • Physical

  • Emotional

  • Intellectual

  • Spiritual

Your identity is built at the intersection of these four parts — and desire [sub conscious and conscious] drives all motivation and meaning.

Your Identity is how you make goal achievement automatic.

Meaning drives Mastery.

Mastery is the “Peak” of a well lived life.

Which brings up a question…

To live a fulfilled and masterful life….

Where do we start?

[Spoiler alert: Curiosity is the first step]

Now, hopefully I didn’t lose you…

This is not designed to be some new age, numerology, abstract semi-spiritual whoo-whoo — but a framework for pattern recognition, process based learning, self discovery and exponential growth.

In the coming weeks and months as I Send It — join the conversation and lets test it — I’ll be hosting a live weekly call and would love to hear from you as we go through the material.

I’m going to land the plane on this article with one last idea that I’d like to leave you with.

Children live in a peak state.

They have boundless energy, high-resilience, joy, laughter and spontaneity.

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these"


Have you ever thought to consider why?

I believe it’s because they are in a constant state of curiosity, learning, problem solving and application.

…and curiosity my friend is where the whole journey of self- [discovery/actualization/transformation/lessness] starts.

In their first 10 years they’ve learned to walk, run and jump, communicate, read, write, express and interact in society — each of those domains is incredibly complex when you stop to consider what’s involved.

But for them Learning is NOT Linear.

Everything is about every thing [that’s another PK’ism].

Each peak of mastery becomes the point of another pillar.

To children it’s a never-ending game of self discovery which fuels energy, vitality, excitement, wonder and awe.

As adults we’ve lost this sense of curiosity which I believe is the reason we age before our time…

And we’ve disconnected from our four parts — or are unconscious or incompetent that anything else exists.

This is the point of this letter — and the ones to come.

Stage 1… Unconscious Incompetence — we don’t know what we don’t know.

Time to get curious.

Happy New Year my Friend.

Much love and many blessings.


====> Next Article: Will be on the “Curiosity Wheel” The 25 Things You need to KNOW about yourself to unlock passion, purpose, meaning and mastery.


My focus for 2024 is to Send It which means Clarity [so I encourage questions & feedback], Courage to challenge ideas, beliefs and frameworks, Commitment to being open, honest and transparent and Consistency which means you can expect to receive at minimum a weekly newsletter, daily short form posts and weekly live calls [for premium members].

To make this possible I’d love to have your support on this writing journey.

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