How to improve your [FINANCES]

a simple 3 step formula to EARN more, save more and invest more.

9 minute read.

Over the weekend I asked ya’ll a question:

Which of your Four F’s do you struggle the most in?

40% of you said the domain of FINANCES, how to earn more, save more and invest more.

So, I’m going to answer that.

Step by step.

How I answer that question will also apply to the other 60%.

Quoting one of my mentors, Bedros Keuilian:

How you do anything is how you do everything.


Which is absolutely true, so whether its Finances or Fitness the same principles (and typically process) apply.

And that’s what we’re going to cover…

Simple (but not easy) principles that apply to all FOUR DOMAINS and a step by step process to help you achieve the results you desire.

So, lets talk about FINANCES and answer the question…

How do I earn more, save more and invest more?

Most, men like steps.

Easy to follow blueprints, templates and logical processes.

X + Y = Z

Let’s break down making more money into 3 steps.

First things first, “more” is not clear so let’s put a specific dollar amount in your mind.

How can I make an extra $5,000 in the next 90 days?

What would you do with an extra $5k?

  • Vacation

  • Pay off debt

  • Splurge

Ok, we have something tangible to work with.

I think we’d all agree an extra $5k would help, so let’s look at the first step.

Step 1: Start with Vision

First things first, you need to understand the difference between a Vision and a Goal.

Vision is BIG and always evolving.

Goals are small and definitive.

A goal is SMART - Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic and Time Bound.

It has a very clear DONE or NOT DONE outcome.

A well designed goal is 100% in your control.

Regarding the $5,000 in 90 days, you could potentially SAVE your way to it.

“I will create and extra $5,000 in the next 90 days by following a tight budget that will decrease 40% of my expenses by preparing all my meals and not exceeding my grocery budget, canceling all recurring subscriptions, selling my motorcycle and working overtime every week for the next 12 weeks”

This is clear.

It implies that the goal setter has a very good picture of his current financial position, he know’s what he spends, what an overtime shift will produce, the market value of his motorcycle and what he eats in a week.

(This is an actual client by the way and he achieved this)

He was preparing for a bodybuilding show and needed to make some sacrifices to pay for the next season of prep; he needed $5k to pay for the coaching, supplements, travel and all the details associated with his vision of earning his Pro Card in IFBB competition.

He saved his way to $5k.

Pro-tips for understanding the difference between Goals and Vision:

  • Goals are 90 days or less

  • A well designed goal is 100% in your control

  • A great goal comes down to attitude and effort (nothing else)

Vision, however, is intangible because it is always evolving.

A Vision is NOT a goal.

A Vision is a specifically vague destination.

A vision is made up of many goals and is MUCH BIGGER.

It includes the feelings and emotions of the achievement — it’s what pulls you towards a destination when the challenge of the goal feels overwhelming.

“I have created financial freedom for myself and my family by pursuing my dream of becoming a PRO Bodybuilder, I am documenting, teaching and mentoring others through their journey of fitness, because I believe health is wealth.”

That’s a vision.

It’s specific enough that you can taste the details — but vague enough that it can evolve over time.

There are many way’s you can make $5,000 as a bodybuilder…

  • Sponsorship

  • Being a coach or personal trainer

  • Affiliate deals

  • Prize Money

When creating a vision the “how” is not as important as the “what” or the “why”.

To recap, step 1, create a powerful vision made up of specific goals.

Step 2: Define the Values

Here’s the question to ask yourself.

What would I need to value to make my vision automatic?

If you want (or need) an extra $5,000 now or in the next 90 days the truth is very simple.

You have a deficit in one of two areas.

  1. Skillset

  2. Mindset

Skillsets are specific capabilities that you can deploy that produce a desired outcome.

Mindset is a collection of beliefs and attitudes that shape thoughts, feelings and behavior.

Skillsets solve problems.

Solving problems makes money.

Learn skills, solve problems and make money.

  • Fix broken toilets.

  • Repair damaged roofs.

  • Troubleshoot websites.

  • Learn SEO.

  • Cut hair.

  • Deep tissue massage.

  • Mow lawns.

These are Hard skills that people pay for, the greater your expertise and results in any of those areas the more complex problems you can solve and the more money you can charge.

It’s all about picking a lane and going deep, not wide.

But, I want to discuss the Soft Skills that drive everything.

  • Writing

  • Selling

  • Leading

Writing is the learned ability to consolidate ideas in a clear manner.

Writing organizes and creates clarity.

From resume building, email communication, project management and sales — writing is the foundation to all communication.

Writing got you here, for me to share a concept that hopefully helps you solve a problem, add some value and perhaps at some point creates the opportunity for us to work together.

Just a few words on a post has the potential to reach millions of people, that’s the power of writing.

And it’s a skill that anyone can learn.

Writing improves through reading, personal development and experience — learning how to craft sentences is just the mechanical part, that’s easy.

Everyone is a writer and we all have a story to tell.

This is the number one skill to develop.

Writing is communication and communication is the key to commerce.

Once you have the audience, the next step of service is sales. 

This is the second most important Soft Skill Set you should master.

Understanding the art of influence (sales) — you can generate $5,000 in a day no problem.

Every company relies on sales.

Salespersons write their own paychecks.

I have had sales roles in many industries from suit selling at Men’s Wearhouse, life insurance at New York Life to being a bar tender at True Food Kitchen.

Sales Is Service.

Sales comes down to 4 things.

  • Trust

  • Energy

  • Asking Great Questions

  • Money


Build trust and rapport. Control the energy of the conversation. Ask great questions that uncover a need. Help them make the money decision.

The last high income skill is Leadership this begins with first leading yourself, becoming followable and having clear vision for your life.

There is much can be share about the correlation between leadership and earning more money but this is the simplest truth.

When you can communicate effectively, influence well and lead yourself and others you will never have money issues again.

To recap:

  • Learn skillsets that add value and solve problems.

  • Develop a growth mindset that you can learn, do and achieve anything you set your mind to.

Step 3: Stack Victories

This is going to be short.

When you stack an intentional win you do two things.

  • You build confidence

  • You build competence

Every win builds momentum towards the next win and the more confidence and competence you have the greater obstacles you can overcome.

Victory stacking is all about choosing a direction and building momentum.

That’s your homework right now.

  1. Create vision of where you want to go and what you want to earn.

  2. Break the vision into small 90 day goals.

  3. Learn to write, sell and lead. (check out the training in the HVM Community)

  4. Build momentum with continuous effort

These 3 V’s are part of the 6V HVM formula and included inside of the FREE Community.

$5k and more,


PS… Nobody improves on these 3 V’s alone, join the tribe and get inside. You’ll have access to 3 Weekly LIVE group calls, a ton of free content and a community of High Value Men.


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