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- This is chapter 18
This is chapter 18
how to start a journaling practice
6 min read
If you want clarity in your purpose, start with clarity on the page.

I’m starting a new chapter today.
Chapter 18 I’m titling GROW the KING.
Chapter 17 just finished yesterday and was titled marriage ran June 24’ through this morning January 26th, 2025.
For the last 5 years I’ve been writing every morning in a leather bound journal, sometimes its just a few sentences, other times it’s pages.
It’s something I’ve been doing for 20+ years but with real intent starting in 2011 with an online journal called Penzu.
In 2011 I had no intention of sharing the writings, but I did recognize it was a powerful tool to clarify thoughts, retain information and extract meaning and lessons.
Later I realized that writing is the root of speaking, sales, marketing, leadership, planning, communication and every notable skillset a man should develop.
Over the last decade my writing process has become refined and I consider it not only a sacred act but also the pivotal discipline in my personal and business development.
I believe wholeheartedly that writing is the key to understanding self and unlocking your greatness.
The act of writing forces you to slow down, look inward, and listen to the voice that knows you best, your own.

How to start a writing practice.
Like any new habit it will feel awkward at first.
And, like any new habit you have to understand the reason why behind the effort.
Writing turns chaos into clarity.
Anything you hope to achieve, be it a business or new version of yourself will feel chaotic in the beginning.
When ideas, details and inspirations dance with doubt progress will be stalled.
Writing organizes, with pen and paper you can begin to shape insight into actionable steps.
The why is simple.
To create clarity.
The how follows the same process any new habit follows.
Make the time for it, and do the thing.
Remember the “W’s” when you write.
When you Wake.
Drink 40oz of Water.
Write down What you’re Grateful for.
Write What you Want the day to look like.
Write Who you will be, become, lead and serve.
Write Why it’s important.
Start there, just write.
When you read, write what you learned.
Consumption culture is killing creativity.
Social media, books on tape at 2x speed, YouTube, Podcasts, information overload.
The average person experiences insight and inspiration at blinding speed these days, memes inspire emotions, social posts trigger feelings and most people have a spark of creativity several points throughout the day but do nothing with it.
The spark is your personal insight to gain understanding of self…
Why did that thing move me, engage me and consume me?
Write the answer to that.
You’ll quickly see that what catches your attention is a reflection of something meaningful to you…
A hidden passion, a purpose, a pain or problem that if solved will unlock a greater version of you.
Don’t just consume, clarify, connect the dots and write.
What you will leave behind.
Some day you will leave behind a personal legacy and life philosophy.
It will either be clear or chaotic.
Your life lived will either be a reflection of insight and intentional action one in which you pursued truth and personal development or accident.
Your son can guess who you were, define you as a man through his own experience, carrying on the family name with gaps in understanding, filling in chapters the best that he can…
He will start from scratch, and the book of man that he writes will have blank pages in the chapter of his father, wondering, what does it mean to be a man.
You can can create clarity and a family framework, a philosophy of man, a Legacy of your name.
Defining your vision, values and victories.
The vices you’ve overcome, that he will inevitably face.
You can be the voice of wisdom speaking through authenticity, awareness and insight sharing your journey in becoming.
You can give him the foundation for masculinity, something to build his Faith, Fitness, Family and Finances on.
You can model to him, through your words and action what the true purpose of life is.
Mastery begins with clarity.
Join me over the next 40 days and develop your writing practice.
Gain insight and understanding into you, reflect on where you are [The GAP], where you’re going [The MAP] and put pen to paper developing your purpose [The PLAN].
40 day commitment, about an hour per day, I’ll guide you through the High Value Man 6v Framework.
You’ll walk away with a personal philosophy, a CLEAR 1 year plan, 2 year vision and a daily practice to move your mission forward.
You’ll get the complete HVM Workbook and Toolkit, 100+ pages of tactical worksheets to develop all four domains Faith, Fitness, Family & Finances.
Plus, daily trainings and reflections inside of a supportive group of men.
It’s a $40 commitment to get all of the tools and it comes with a double money back guarantee, do the work for 40 days and if you don’t gain more clarity and RESULTS in 40 days I’ll refund you $80.
I’m on a mission to build High Value Men that are bold in Faith, examples in Fitness, lead their Family and impact with their Finances.
To do that I need to equip as many men as possible with the tools for creating clarity and intentional action in their four domains.
This 40 Day Mastery challenge is 10+ years of teaching, frameworks, tools and philosophy that is designed for immediate implementation in your life.
It represents well over a million dollars of mentorship, study, coaching, training and decade focused on building better men.
I believe it is the most comprehensive and inexpensive action you can take in your personal development journey as a man, and it’s risk free to you.
If not, do me a favor and share this with a man that might need it.
Here’s to the best you.
Much love.
PS… 40 Day Mastery Challenge is live. There’s a 4 minute video that you can watch HERE. The challenge is $40 and its supported with a double money back guarantee, if you don’t create more clarity and greater results in your four domains in 40 days I’ll refund you $80.